Farmer Training and Certification Support

SFSA offers customised training to farmers, producer organisations, cooperatives, NGOs as well as food processors. Our training packages include: Apiculture training, farm worker training, farmers training, producer organisations training, facilitator (ToT training), expert retooling and other customised training for specific needs.

We focus on agroecology, permaculture, agroforestry, biodiversity conservation, seed systems, soil and water management, agronomy and post-harvest handling. We offer assured Produce Scheme training focusing on Financial literacy, post-harvest handling, Aggregation and Marketing.

We offer training and advisory services on:

  • Crop monitoring and reporting – Weekly visit to the farm
  • check of all crops and report of situation plus recommended action points
  • ICM Spray programme - Drawing up an ICM based spray programme with both prophylactic (preventive) and curative aspects for any given crop. Client discretion on the execution of the spray programme
  • Pollination services – Delivery and management of bee units on farm to ensure maximum pollination for a given crop
  • Vermicompost unit set-up – Establishment of an on-farm vermicompost unit for the farm